
Plein air painting on Gay St, Bath with Tom Hughes - 56 mins

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Plein air painting on Gay St, Bath with Tom Hughes - 56 mins

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Join award-winning oil painter Tom Hughes, as he completes a full painting on Gay St, Bath.

Fully narrated with in-depth technical insights, Tom's relaxed yet informative teaching style describes what he's doing, as he does it, helping you bridge the gaps in your own knowledge and approach technical problems with ease.

For a full list of materials and equipment, please watch this video on YouTube

00:30 Framing the composition

01:40 Using the correct ground colour and sketching colour

02:25 The initial sketch and measuring

2:45 Drawing sight size

03:30 Adding tone as I draw

03:55 Perspective when drawing a street scene

04:55 Dealing with the sun coming and going

05:15 Establishing a darkest dark and the benefits of that

06:15 Painting a bright sky when looking towards the sun and judging colour temperature

07:45 Noticing the direction of light and shadows

08:15 Problems with painting contré jour and how to cope

10:30 Painting with the light behind you

11:30 Why distant hills are blue

12:20 Cool and warm shadows explained

13:12 Mixing Greens and painting trees

14:15 The order in which to paint things

15:20 Bounced/reflected light and its effects

16:25 Wiping back and perspective

17:20 The elements that make up an interesting scene

17:50 The technical problems and solutions in painting very bright lights in a scene

20:05 “Painting loose”

21:30 Wiping off marks and trying again

23:15 Painting things in order

26:10 Tone creating depth and establishing a focal point

28:12 How to paint traffic lights

34:45 Darkest darks in relation to objects in the scen

36:15 Tonal awareness with contré jour

37:20 Maintaining pure mixes

39:25 The appeal of plein air paintings

40:50 Painting onto pure white boards and the advantage of coloured grounds

43:10 Why paintings go wrong and how to make life easier

45:45 Painting vans

47:10 Reflected light and how it changes colour temperature

47:45 How to accurately paint cars that are moving

49:30 How larger painting boards affect the compositions you can create

50:10 The problem with painting large over multiple sittings

52:00 Painting duration

53:20 Small brushes and detail

54:25 Noticing camber and tilt

55:00 Avoiding acidic highlights on foliage

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56 min video painting on location on Gay St, Bath. Includes in-depth technical narration.

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56 minutes
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